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We are a 100% volunteer organization.  We take your trust in us seriously and have very little administrative costs, so it makes it easy for us to quantify your  donation.  $.95 of ever dollar goes back into services.  Take a look at your generosity at work and please consider joining in our cause.  Jeremy Cares is a 501(c)(3) organization.

$10 - I would like to donate a book for a child to read.

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$50 - I would like to donate a toy for a child this Christmas Season.

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$10 - I would like to donate a book for a child to read.

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$100 - I would like to  purchase an Amazon gift Card so the Jeremy Cares Elves can shop for the children that are hospitalized.

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$25 - I would like to donate a gas card to help a family travel to/from appointments.

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$75 - I would like to donate a gift card to help a family in financial need purchase prescriptions for their child.

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$250 - I would like to help sponsor a birthday party for a child.  

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$1,000 - I would like to help a pediatric cancer survivor attend college by contributing to the scholarship fund.

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Enter your OWN AMOUNT - please use this donation to create moments of joy for families going through a medical crisis with a child.

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