Samantha Smith
Sam is no stranger to us and as a 3rd time scholarship winner we couldn’t be prouder to tell you about her. She continues to impressive us year after year. Sam is studying nursing at Cleveland State. This year we asked Sam what 3 people she would want with her if she was stranded. Here is her answer, “The three things/people I would take with me if I was stranded would be my Mother, Brother, and Sister. Not only would I be devastated being stranded without them, I believe that with the vast knowledge of a teacher, supply chain management chair, a marketing employee, and a soon-to-be-nurse we could get out of any situation we put ourselves in. My family in I could make any situation just a little bit better because we are together. There would be nothing else – not even food – that I would possibly want more. “
We did learn a new fact about Sam this year. That is that she is a dancer! Her long-time dance instructor describes Sam like this, “As a student, Samantha was always engaging and somewhat feisty; she made her classmates laugh, and she kept her teachers on their toes with her wit and humor. When she was younger, her strong personality would occasionally get her into some trouble, but as the years progressed, that strength proved to be her most admirable quality. She was diagnosed with cancer at age twelve, and shortly after she began treatments, she was in a car accident that caused her further injury and claimed the life of her father. Samantha was forced to deal with incredibly heavy, traumatic, and mature situations long before any person should have to deal with such issues, and she displayed courage and bravery that transcended her young years.
While it was quite difficult to witness Samantha struggle during that time, I have no doubt that her experiences helped mold her into an even stronger and more determined young woman.” Despite what she went through at a young age Sam has excelled and proven to be a role model for other young dancers and us as well!!
Best of luck in your studies Samantha and I cannot wait for you to join the nursing field!